04 April 2013

Which Direction to Travel?

Hello.  It's been a while.  How are you?  Better than I am, I hope.  My emotional compass has taken some strange twists and turns lately.  I've turned inward to balance myself which, as you can see from my absence here, makes me quiet.

Until I figure out the direction of this space, it will most likely be quiet.  I do not know yet if I will continue or move on.  Thank you for always dropping by to catch up on my chronicle and for leaving notes of encouragement.  Feel free to drop me a line to say hello if you wish.  abullock26 {at} yahoo {dot} com.  I would love to hear from you.


  1. Hey You! How are you going? Are you working on anything new?

    1. I do have something in the works. I'll keep you posted!


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